Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Looking for a House

Looking for a House

Is it that I'm trying to run away
the reality into which we're dumped
my reason for trying to find a house
any house but this house

Is it that I want that pretty house
that belies health and happiness
my reason for trying to find a house
any house but this house

It is here the black cloud descended
that hems us into this small life
this horrific chaos and sorrow
in this house with no doors out

If I find a new place to house us
will the black cloud stay behind
infinite joy stream indoors
any house but this house


  1. Sigh, it seems that those black clouds have uncanny ways of following from one place to another. We always search for somewhere beyond the black cloud, but as D would have said (I know), the only way OUT is through.

  2. Wow, Mary, Diane, yes, "the only way OUT is through." She was uncanny brilliant.

  3. Oh, wow, Willow! Such an insightful and powerful poem. It is hard to know our reasons. I guess that is why people are advised not to make any big decisions when they are going through upheaval and pain in their lives. Sometimes I think moving just gives us something else to DO and we hope for that new lease on life. Brilliant poem.

  4. I like the refraining line of "any house but this house" ~ This speaks of more than just sadness but also desperation and anguish to move out ~

  5. Lovely metaphor here. Sometimes we think our external environment can make a difference.

  6. "any house but this house"and "this house with no doors out"........makes me think of my Grandma and how she resisted and would not come to terms with her life in an "old folks' home". Mary's quote "the only way out is through" really hits me, too. I say that a lot............and for those poor folk, the other side of "through" is the end of life. Sigh. Really affecting poem. And I look to the right and see you and your husband are in its grip. My heart goes out to you both.
