Saturday, December 27, 2014


It has arrived
full blown hatred
threats of suicide
physical attacks
mental attacks
total mayhem

There is no reason
shall I call EMTs
or the police or let
it all blow over
in the morning no

Except I remember
everything as days
pass in misery over
and over and over
I try, I give, I do all
I can from love

Insanity doesn’t know
love and compassion
or appreciation for
what it takes to care
for a loved one with
Alzheimer’s Disease

It is a lonely journey
it is a thankless journey
it is a brutal journey
tomorrow it begins again
again the struggle to
survive another day


  1. Thinking of you and praying for you.

  2. This concerns me a lot Diane. You must save yourself as it seems Russ is no longer really there. Love to you.
