Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Past

Christmas Past

Christmas past
tree still lit shines
on lifetime treasures
ornaments of meaning
selected gifts from friends
handmade treasures
memories of years
sharing love

Christmas past
tree still lit shines
on thoughts of
so many gone
either by death
or different paths
so many memories
sharing love

Tree still shines
on Christmas past
on Christmas now
so many memories
stories to tell
so much love
there and now
woven into me

Christmas tomorrow
add one more year
of joy, love, sharing
light the tree
live in the glow
presents past and present
give and grow


  1. For all it's other failings, there is nothing to beat Christmas leading us to thinking about others.

  2. This is a beautiful poem, Willow. So very true that when we experience Christmas each year we also relive some of those old and good memories from the past that are very much a part of who we are! Merry Christmas (belatedly), Willow.
