Sometimes I am the odd one out
uncomfortable and awkward
other times I am the connecting force
I bring people together
they appreciate my vivacity
I enliven an uncomfortable group
Sometimes I hide my affiliations
so as not to become disconnected
with people of different slants
people who can’t accommodate difference
I don’t go over to their side
I just listen and don’t speak
Sometimes I meet someone
and it is an instant spark
sometimes the spark lasts
sometimes it doesn’t
sometimes I meet someone
no spark, it is nice and grows
Sometimes I mistrust and fear
when I'm not connected to a place
it is hard to trust and make connections
it is important to seek community
to find kindred souls and also those
who are different and help us grow
Sometimes I think how we are a family
as human beings and I wonder that we war
I never think I am causing hurt or fear
then I see I have said the wrong thing
accidentally or intentionally and received
Sometimes I think we are all headed to
annihilation, but of course we all die
its just how we do it
peaceful or terrified
I’m not sure how I’ll go
I hope it is peaceful