Friday, February 10, 2012

Old Tree

What the Old Tree Has Seen

They stand tall
above everything
heads above fog
they see the sea

logged off
perfect wood
for picnic tables

it never rots
its made into pulp
the mills stink
they stand tall

we are elfin beneath
I hug them as I hear
surf roar and see elk
in meadows near


  1. Beautiful, Willow. Indeed they see the sea. Sad that once was prevalent is now just found in parks. But at least there are parks to preserve them!

  2. Oh the beautiful coastal redwoods. To think they once were so much more extensive along our coast and now have been resigned to parks makes me sad. We used to camp in some of those parks when I was a kid and they were so beautiful.

  3. I love this! Those tall trees that serve us in so many ways. I find them comforting as well.
