Thursday, August 9, 2012



I value life
I hate war
I disparage hate
it causes war
I drop hate

I value essence
orange of a carrot
zing of a pepper
veined leaf of lettuce
pin prick of blood

I value vision
everything I think
everything I see
color, form, freedom
from constrictions

I value nature
in its myriad forms
animal, vegetable, mineral
the magic of existence
how can there not be God

God is
God is everything
everything is God
I value God
God is life

life is God
God is a coat of many colors
a magic carpet on which to ride
woven by skilled hands 
Godly hearts

I value love
God is love
love is God
I am not a religion person
I believe in the spirit

Religion is like government
it has its own agenda

This was written for the prompt "What do you value?" over at Poetry Jam this week!


  1. So much to think about here.
    "God is a coat of many colors
    a magic carpet on which to ride"-loved these lines.
    Wishing you a peaceful day.

  2. Wow, Willow, this is really an all-encompassing poem. It definitely gives us a picture of all the things you value! Nice.

  3. The last two lines of your poem blew me away!!!

  4. love the flow and how you drop hate. a wonderful response to the prompt!

    thank you for participating at Poetry Jam.

  5. Just read your profile and my heart goes out to you.
    Your poem is a key to unlock our lives with.
    An awful lot in there.

  6. smiles...i like how you develop this...from abstract concepts like war to the simple veins on a leaf to the metaphysical...i would say our values are not much different...smiles....i am sorry i am late in getting here...

  7. Quite lovely...valued beliefs laid out in poetic form for the world. Really enjoyed this!

  8. Religious is not necessarily the same thing as religion. Some people need that structure, though. And hate... well it is kind of the ying and yang of love? I think it is important to know there are some things to hate... poverty, greed, the "vices". It is how we respond, I think, that matters. Nice, thought provoking poem.

  9. You are right, Margaret. They might be different, religious versus religion, yes structure.

  10. I changed religious to religion and I still prefer to drop the hate. It doesn't mean I look away from important things, I just have a different response, which is better for me and everyone.

  11. I love this poem, Willow. It is so "you!" Knowing you as I do, I can also say that your live up to your values in a magnificent way.
