I would like to live alone
for a while before I die
in a quiet place of waves
birds, bees, breeze
find my rhythm in harmony
without the dictates of mother
husband, children, job, world
with planets, moon, sun, stars
I want to eat when I wantwhat I what or not eat at all
read, play music or stare at the wall
walk on the beach, lie on the beach
sit on the beach, play in the sand
pick shells, agates, feathers, glass
watch the sun set and moon rise
watch the sun rise and moon set
I want a small place, great room
bed, bath, lots of windows and a
studio, easel and paints, camera
kaleidoscope, iPod, telescope
binoculars, laptop, iPhone
pots, pans, a few dishes, bowls
teas, teapots, cups, a journal
books of poetry and prose
I would like to be alone with me
look in the mirror and say, "I know
who you are."