Friday, February 4, 2011

I Bequeath

I leave you my experience
which I would like to
abbreviate here
except to tell you

I lived too small
spread your wings
you fly girl
right off the edge
of everything

Don't hold in
suck dry turn away
you are beautiful


  1. I love this. What a great legacy to leae. The important things. Don't hold in (young ones) rise! Beautiful!

  2. WOW!!!! I SO love this! Yes! tell her to fly! and to "rise....rise". FANTASTIC gem of a poem. And a GREAT teaching to hand down to one's daughter.

  3. Lovely. I like the 'rise rise' especially. We all tend to kill our passion and dreams when the world presses down on us. We live a lifetime of regret and we want to give our children the wings that we never had. I've also written a similar poem, but i've not imitated you or done something like that. I wrote the poem before i saw yours. I hope you're not offended.
